Hermès, Cavalier jewelry

From harnesses to jewelry

The horse. That is where it all started. Harnesses, buckles and bits are transformed into precious objects with the house's creative know-how. From radical forms, free wearing styles and exceptional materials, the cavalier jewelry was forged. With this constantly reinvented equestrian heritage, Hermès jewelry magnifies gestures and gives movement its full freedom. And its allure.

The great creative leap

It is but a short step from harnesses to precious metalwork. Artisans shape gold and silver to bring to life bold designs by Pierre Hardy, creative director of jewelry. Stones illuminate the metal and enhance these pieces, as sensitive as they are audacious. The Chaîne d’ancre and Kelly lines reinvent the classics with fresh ideas.

Creative lines

The sketch. At the heart of Hermès jewelry, the sketch guides creation and production. Pierre Hardy’s pencil lines inspire the choice of materials, colours and stones. They guide the material and push jewelry know-how beyond the imagination. This is how a new form of beauty emerges, precious and unique.

Discover cavalier jewelry